Kerwin Thompson Bio, Kenan Thompson brother age, family, net worth

American comic actor Kenan Thompson,  (43 years) is the longest-tenured comic actor on NBC’s weekend comic show SNL.

The show began in 2003 and he was the first cast member born after the comic show premiered in 1975.

Kenan Thompson has two siblings: Kerwin Thompson and Feleecia Thompson.

Their parents are Fletcher Thompson and Elizabeth Ann Thompson.

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Kerwin Thompson Biography

Kerwin Thomas is the brother of popular American comic actor Kenan Thompson.

They have a sister called Feleecia Thompson.

Presently, his age is not known.

What does Kerwin Thompson do?

Surprisingly, Kerwin is an actor just like his brother Kenan.

Aside from acting he is also a writer, coach, producer, editor and martial artist.

His acting career began when he was just five years old.

It all started when he played the role of gingerbread man in kindergarten.

During his youthful days, he got the opportunity to perform in numerous plays and musicals including Chris Cross: A Musical Journey.

Amongst movies he has featured in are Taboo 2 (2019), Strangers With Memories and Life Support.

Is Kerwin Thompson married with children?

The family life of Thompson is out of the spotlight.

Kerwin Thompson’s net worth

Kerwin Thompson has an estimated net worth of $300,000.

Kerwin Thompson Instagram

He can be found on Instagram with the handle @theleadingmankerwint.
