Channel 4 8 of 10 cats does countdown: Jimmy Carr's life with girlfriend of 20 years in 8.5 millio

Primrose Hill is one of London’s most sought after locations, often associated with the many celebrities who live there. Lily James, Richard Madden, and Kate Moss as well as comediens Ricky Gervais and Jimmy Carr are all said to reside in the area.

Jimmy’s £8.5 million home that he shares with his long term girlfriend of 21 years is particularly breathtaking. The couple bought the property back in 2001 and have spent £1.5million on renovation work including a modern style extension at the back.

The red-brick property has Edwardian features, and also has a large bay window and a stone pillar porch. The large paved driveway with an immaculately kept front garden gives the home a Hollywood type feel.

Luckily the property has a lot of space which will no doubt be put to good use since Jimmy and Karoline welcomed their son, Rockefeller in 2019. Not much is known about the comedian’s private life. Although he likes to draw on personal experience for his material he likes to keep his cards close to his chest.

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The couple met at an audition and Jimmy instantly fell for her. Writing in the Guardian he said: “I went away from the meeting and called my manager and said, 'I can't work for that company because that girl is too attractive and I couldn't concentrate on saying something funny'.

"Then I saw her at a gig and I asked her out. People ask why we're not married but it's just not something that I'd like to talk about. Karoline is a wonderful girl and it upsets her and I'm not prepared to do it.”

Whilst it may seem like the comedian has a breezy life in Primrose Hill, the star has spoken out about his estranged life with his father. He revealed that he had not spoken to his dad since the death of his mum, Nora in 2001.

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He said: He said: "It's not a secret, I haven't seen my dad in 21 years and you know the line, 'My mother's dead and my father's dead to me' – which sounds very cold, until you meet the guy. It's a weird thing where I'm acutely aware that things don't always work out.”

However, he went on to add that he harbours no bad feelings towards him: “There's no bitterness and there's no anger there. I want the best, I just can't have that guy in my life.”

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