Is this the worst prank in history? First Dates Georgia tricks her date with a fake 100,000 s

A brand new series of First Dates relaunched on Channel 4 on Wednesday night (April 17th) – and boy did it produce!

Stars of the show were Georgia and Georga, whose tediously awkward date got off to the worst possible start thanks to a seriously unfunny prank.

Here’s how the horrendous £100,000 scratch card prank unfolded…

Meet Georgia… and Georga

The first to be introduced to the brand spanking new season 12 was 20-year-old Georgia, a beautician from Canvey Island.

G confessed that her dating life had been something of a disaster up to this point in her life, looking to get out of a “everyone knows everyone” gay scene back home.

Screenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prank

In true First Dates fashion, as the words “I like someone who can play football” rolled off the tongue of Georgia’s lips, up popped former Arsenal Youth FC goalkeeper Georga.

The 21-year-old from Hatfield looked like a pretty perfect match on paper.

So long as that paper isn’t in the form of a fake scratch card…

Screenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prank

How NOT to start a date

The date started in calamitous fashion as Georgia confessed to cocktail guru Merlin that she “knew Georga”.

And judging by her face, it wasn’t in a good way.

They’re both called Georgia and they know each other and black-haired Georgia dated blonde-haired Georgia’s niece and oh boy this is classic #firstdates

— Toby Earle (@TobyonTV) April 16, 2019

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It was then revealed that not only were the pair were out partying together a month or so or go for gay pride, but blonde-haired Georga had dated Georgia’s niece not long ago.

Join perplexed waiter Grant in trying to work this one out…

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The scratch card prank that ruined everything!

G and G’s date was bobbing along nicely until a scratch card gift was brought to the table.

Blonde-haired Georga announced that she had bought her potential lover a scratch card as she was unsure about what to bring as a present.

Over the moon at the thoughtful act alone, Georgia nearly exploded with excitement when she realised that the scratch card was a winning £100,000 jackpot card!

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Suprise… you haven’t won sh*t

Georga went along with her prank, congratulating her date on her winnings and even putting herself in the run for the next Oscars with her ‘shocked and surprised’ face.

Suspense brewed as the date continued all the way until the snuggle area outside.

However, it was here where Georga dropped the bombshell of season 12 having let her date stew for 20 minutes thinking that she had won £100,000.

Brace yourselves, cus’ this is awkward…

Screenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prankScreenshot: First Dates 2019, Georgia and Georga scratch card prank

In the final hot seat, a rather p*ssd off looking Georgia said that they would be better off as just friends. Now there’s a prank that didn’t go down well!


First Dates: Twitter divided over ‘who should pay the bill’ – Dutch?
