My sister-in-law is blackmailing me over the things I did at college

My husband is the kindest person I’ve ever met and also the straightest. Deeply Christian, he gives 10 per cent of his income to charity and he’ll never pass someone begging without helping them.

He’s also great fun and two of his sisters are very like him. But the third is his total opposite. She’s been blackmailing me for the last three years.

It all goes back to university, where I had a wild time, as a lot of students do. I spent a lot of it off my face on drink and drugs and having lots of sex, and it wasn’t just guys. I was completely bowled over by one girl and I was into trying everything, so I joined her in threesomes and group sessions with both men and women.

Then two things happened. She started trying heroin, which scared the wits out of me, and my tutor had a firm word because I was in danger of failing my degree. I quickly dumped her, stopped taking drugs, drank only occasionally and got an excellent degree, chalking those years down to classic wild oats.

Then I met my husband. Suddenly I was happy to get up at 5am to see a sunrise, try a long weekend on a canal boat or, on one memorable occasion, go to Paris just for dinner. 

Two years later, when we got married I finally met the sister who’d been abroad while we were getting together – and it turned out we knew each other from uni. She’d shared a flat with my girlfriend. But she said no more about it and I relaxed a bit. Nothing to see here, I hoped. 

Five years on, she asked my husband for a loan. She didn’t pay it back. Then she asked for another – I think to buy drugs. My husband was really kind and, while refusing her any more money, said he’d help her sort out her life in other ways. She wasn’t interested.

She phoned me, asking me to give her the money for old times’ sake. I should have told her to beat it, but instead I stupidly said, “This once, no more” and gave her £200. Six months later, she asked again. I refused. She said, wouldn’t her brother be shocked to find out how wild his wife used to be? So I handed over the same again. 

The third time she asked for £2,000. I had to refuse, as my husband would notice. But when she asked to borrow a handbag “for a wedding”, I let her. I didn’t get it back. I’m sure she sold it.

We didn’t see her through lockdown and my husband thinks she has her life back on track. But she recently reappeared and is already asking for money. I’ve decided to call her bluff this time. She’s WhatsApped me, but I’ve deleted her. When she phoned the house, I let my husband pick up.

If she says anything, I’ll deny it all, say she’s telling lies about me to get the money and trust that he’ll believe me. I’ll act ­concerned about what sort of state she must be in to behave so badly.  And I’ll keep everything crossed that she has no proof of any of the things I did.

READ MORE:  I secretly watch porn to give our sex life a boost

I head for a relaxing bath, iPad in hand, and emerge ready to leap on him Credit:
